eComStation Community
The eComStation Community is a great place to meet people and to have fun, and so come on in and make yourself at home.
We have several fast and easy ways that you meet people in the eComStation Community.
You can use the eComStation IRC network
to directly chat with fellow eComStation users, the eComStation NewsPortal to discuss several eComStation topics
by using your familiar newsreader or the webportal.
OS/2 Netlabs
Netlabs is the home for many OpenSource projects for OS/2 and eComStation. It provides a central location for developers to publish their projects and offers lots of documentation for developers.
Netlabs also provides a very active IRC channel on the eComStation IRC network, called #netlabs
OS/2 World
Launched in May 2000, this site is now the best source for news about OS/2 & eCS. As an international collaborative community the site also gives the OS/2 & eCS community a common platform to interact with each other.
Warpstock Europe 2016
The 2016 edition of Warpstock Europe will take place on the 21st and 22nd of May 2016 in Cologne, Germany. Hosted in the Youth hostel Köln-Riehl you can enjoy 2 days of interesting presentations, meetings and socializing.
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