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Department eComStation 2.0 BETA1
Email *
What not to expect:
Nothing other than the things mentioned below are supposed to work; if they do you are lucky.

known issues:
  • estyler cannot be configured
  • Old version of mozilla
  • Not all bug fixes from MR are in this version.
SNAP/ENT the special licensed version of SNAP by Serenity is in there, we boot Snap directly from CD-Rom You can revert to VGA boot from CD with the preboot menu.
Does 800x600x65536 function properly? * Yes
Does the CD boot correctly to SNAP ? * Yes
Does SNAP install in the first phase of installation ? * Yes
Does the second phase boot up to 800x600x65536 ? * Yes
Is the Screen object modified with the SNAP config Pages ? * Yes
Please fill in any remarks:
Bootable JFS, this version is able to install on bootable JFS volumes.
Can you format the selected partition after selecting JFS as file system * Yes
Can you install on the selected partition formated as JFS * Yes
Is your system running without problems after using Bootable JFS ? * Yes
Please fill in any remarks:
ACPI, This version installs and detects ACPI If your system doesn't boot, check if ACPI is detected, you can disable ACPI support in page 2 of the preboot menu
Does your system detect ACPI ? * Yes
Does your system boot after ACPI support is loaded * Yes
Does your system shutdown VIA ACPI if you enable this option in the desktop object ? * Yes
Updated snoopers: These will try to configure your hardware for you, preventing IRQ problems and memory configuration errors
Does your system stil boot ? * Yes
Removed phase 3: We removed phase 3 of the installation, everything is optimized to work in 2 phases now.
Does the system get installed completly ? * Yes
Finished. Please fill out some generic details below.
Subject *
Details *
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